Monday, 23 June 2014

Question four: how successful was your product? Why do you think it was successful or unsuccessful?

My final product was very successful and realistic. The filming and editing have both been done to a high standard which enhances the quality of the minute clip. This is shown as the shots have either been slowed down or sped up to match the lyrics in the song; when filming,  we took extra care in copying the extra same shot. We did this by having the shot list and digital storyboard in front of us whilst filming. The filming was done to a high standard by using a quality camera with video settings; this allowed us to shoot accurate shots of the actress'.

On the original Sail video, there is a tint on the shots. We have added this to our shots to make the video as real as possible.

When filming our clip we used a tri-pod which allowed us to keep the camera ultra still to replicate the exact same shots in the original Sail video. To make it easier for the actress' to mime, we played the song whilst filming. This allowed the actress' to mime along with the actual song so we get the timings as accurate as possible; in response to this, our final video looks very successful and realistic - as if the actress' are actually singing.

Overall, I feel our final clip was very successful and accurate.

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