Sony CX-250 Camera and charger
College tripod
Sandisk Ultra 16GB USB Stick
SD Cards approximately 30GB
Computer Programmes/Software:
Google Chrome
'Notes' on the iPhone
Microsoft Office - Word, Powerpoint, Publisher
Adobe - Photoshop CS6, Premiere Elements
Internet Sites:
(All to memory)
Unfortunately, I did not have my own video camera to film my music video so I decided to film using a video camera that I borrow from my college. These video cameras are of a decent level of quality however not the highest it could have been, therefore resulting in me enhancing the lighting of my footage . By using a college video camera, this does not put me at any advantage over the others in my class therefore I knew I had to make my music video of great quality. I didn't need to change the lens in order to zoom either extremely close or extremely far away.
When filming my music video, I wanted to make sure I was prepared and ready. Holly Killick and Hannah Morice were both extremely helpful to me when travelling to and from my locations (South Cave Quarry). They carried things (tracking, camera, outfits, make-up, batteries and chargers) as well as helped me set up and pack away. In order to achieve a high grade in my Advanced Portfolio, I decided to include the tracking technique when Hannah is walking from the left of the screen to the right. By having other people present at the time of my filming, this was a great benefit to me and helped me a lot. In order to finish filming to the standard I desired, I thought it would be beneficial to me that I took a spare battery and SD card in case either the battery were to run out or I would fill up the SD card's space. When filming on the college video camera (Sony CX-250), it would allow me to film either portrait or landscape however the main problem of filming portrait would be when I uploaded the footage to Adobe Premier Pro. The footage doesn't fit the size of the frame of my music video, I managed to solve this problem via scaling my footage to the size of the frame of my music video. This lead to the problem of having footage that is extremely zoomed in however works well with my music video as a whole. When filming with the college camera, I adjusted the settings in order to film in the appropriate format to upload to blogger, this was beneficial for my music video as well as my ancillary texts as I took stills from my footage. I simply focus the video camera by tapping on the screen where I want the main focus then begin filming. With the video camera I used, I was unaware of any HD selection however the quality of my footage was ideal. The exposure composition was auto corrected and was dependent on the lighting of my location, this was beneficial for me as I didn't have to worry about setting the exposure levels for my lighting. When I felt I had finished my filming, I decided to re-watch my footage in order to double check I had everything required for my music video. I did this by pressing the play back button and viewing all the footage I had filmed. The tripod I used was easily attachable to my video camera and easy to set up therefore I had no problem when setting up my tripod. This tripod came with a stabiliser in order to straighten my footage and make sure I had accurate footage.
When it comes to the technology I used for the post production period of my music video, I used many different software's and programs that helped me to produce the highest quality footage for my film. The main software I used was Adobe Premier Pro on the editing suites at college. This software allowed me to edit the whole of my music video and audio from start to finish. When editing, I used many different techniques on Adobe Premier Pro tools such as the text tool for the beginning of my music video this allowed me to introduce my video to the viewers.
I used many different effects for my music video. I used lighting effects for two reasons: 1. in order to enhance the lighting so the audience can easily see the detail and expressions on the protagonists face.
2. in order to support the narrative and the idea that the protagonist is isolated and lost within herself.
The different effects I used were the Blue Chroma Key and the Luma Key These effects allowed me to portray the genre of my music video and the genre of the track (alternative punk and rock).
When deciding which font I should use for the writing on my magazine advertisement, I used a website called I have used this website before therefore I am familiar with how to navigate around it.
When I arrived at the home page of, I skimmed the quick search columns for a font group along the lines of 'weird', 'distorted' or 'unique'. I found an option called 'distorted' and I scrolled through the examples given. helped me construct my media product as a whole (the music video and my ancillary texts) as it enabled me to express the connotations I desired through the fonts I used on my magazine advertisement and my digipak. I managed to maintain the line of continuity throughout my products, through the use of fonts and colours schemes that I wouldn't have been able to do without
In order to organise and keep on top of my progress (planning and research), I used Microsoft Word to keep a list of everything I had done and everything I had to do. was extremely beneficial to me throughout the whole of my planning and research. I used for many different reasons i.e. the original music video, my LIIAR analysis', the lyrics analysis, the lyrics timing, genre and conventions research, music video techniques and influences, visual storyboard, animatic, digital technology, first, second, third edit ad final piece. During my planning and research, I found that it would be important to have my own Youtube account, therefore I used the Youtube account that I created for my first year in Media Studies at Wyke College.
This is my Youtube account. As you can see, there is are three edits of my music video on Youtube. In order to embed my music video on to my blog, I had to upload my music video to Youtube. This was beneficial for me (other than helping me post it onto my blog), this also allows me to gain efficient feedback from my audience as they can view my product in their own time and respond to me through Youtube or verbally.
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